Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pet of the Month - May 2012 - Mr. Wrinkles

Mr. Wrinkles - Pet of the Month
Mr. Wrinkles was born on February, 13th 2010.  The Dittmer family got him about two years ago. He is a very friendly black Sphynx cat. The Dittmers have two children ages six and three and Wrinkles is very tolerant of them carting him around and loving on him. His skin is very warm, it actually feels like a hot water bottle. His favorite spot to sleep is under the comforter on the bed. His other favorite spot is on your shoulder.  Wrinkles likes to play with his little toy mouse and has torn nearly all of its appendages off. He also likes to chase after feathers on a string. Wrinkles does not eat any table food, nor does he get treats, only cat food. The Dittmers got Mr. Wrinkles from a breeder in Minnesota. They liked the Sphynx breed because they have no hair. No one in their family is allergic, but that wouldn't matter because he still has cat dander. They’ve had furry cats in the past  and they just didn't want the messy hair everywhere. Wrinkles does have very little hair around his paws, nose, and tail which feels like peach fuzz. Wrinkles is a good jumper. He can jump from the counter top to the top of the cupboards. He likes to sit up high and watch the activity.  It is also his safe spot from the children.  Mr. Wrinkles is a perfect addition to the Dittmer family.  What a lucky cat he is to be secure in his forever family!

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