Bogey Wyborney - Pet of the Month - April 2010
Bogey was a stray who arrived in the coldest part of winter in early 2009. It had been below zero for days and Bogey was yowling from beneath my car, eager for food, milk and attention. When he squeezed out from beneath my car, he was drooling and so bloated I thought it was a pregnant cat. I took him to see Dr. Smith expecting that he was too sick to treat, but to my surprise, every test came back negative. The good news that he was not suffering from anything untreatable meant Bogey could join our household. Unfortunately this was far from the last word on his health concerns. He suffers from a rare gum disease that caused him to lose all his teeth. He had frost bite which claimed both ear tips, hair and whisker loss, a heart murmur, a benign (non-cancerous) tumor in his ear, and diabetes. His whiskers (when he had some) and his fur are brittle and sharp like porcupine quills. In spite of all his troubles, he is a very happy cat and very thankful to be inside, warm and well-taken care of. He doesn't even mind his insulin shots!
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