Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pet of the Month - August 2013 - Obie and Ruck Raska

Ruck and Obie Raska are large dogs, Irish Wolfhounds who weigh in at 124 and 117 pounds respectively.  They have made the Raska home complete with their amazing personalities.  They both think that they are lap dogs... but will always settle for the couch if a lap isn't available.  They love popcorn as a special treat.  They have free run in their backyard and love to play together.  Their height makes it possible for them to drink out of the kitchen sink!    Bob and Anj love these two and think that the Irish Wolfhounds are the best breed of dog there is.  They are well loved, and so happy in their forever home.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Pet of the Month - July 2013 - Bear Graham

Meet Bear!  He is a 7 1/2 year old Pomeranian who uses his cuteness to get away with most anything!  His human, Teri, says he is the most stubborn dog she has ever had, but also the most spoiled as well.  Bear loves to cuddle (when he is in the mood for it :)  and loves to go for short walks.  If the walk gets a bit too long, then he goes for a "carry!"  He does what he wants, when he wants it and doesn't do a great job of coming when you call for him, but his little fox face and beautiful eyes will steal your heart when you meet him.  

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pet of the Month - June 2013 - George and Tulah

George is a long haired cat who will be 13 in September.  He was a stray kitten found on a rainy night in November and eventually was adopted by Emily and her husband, Randy.  He was initially a she, until on election day Dr. Taylor confirmed it was a boy!  His name has transitioned from George Bushy, to George Bailey, and now is George of the Jungle because he is such a hunter!  He is an amazing cat, and  as he grows older has become more cuddly, loving and needy.  

Tulah turned 5 in May, she is part Golden Retriever and part English Cream Golden Retriever.  She has an amazing personality, but yet will not retrieve anything!  She is content laying on the bed, or in the sun outside.  She loves to chase chipmunks in the hopes that someday she will actually catch one!  Emily had some difficult days and months as she waited on the heart/lung transplant list and months in the hospital waiting and then recovering from surgery.  Tulah visited often, laying in bed with her.  Once Emily was able to be up and around again, their favorite times were walks that they took through Hartman Reserve during the different seasons.  She has provided comfort, companionship and love to Emily and Randy.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pet of the Month - May 2013 - Ollie Gall

Meet Ollie!  He is a 10 1/2 year old Pap-a-Poo (part Papillion, part Poodle... and according to his human parents, part human too :)  He is a part of the Gall family and gets to participate in most of their activities.  He works at their store, The Runner’s Flat, three days a week and loves all the adult interaction there.  He is only ten pounds so he gets to go most places with his family.  They love to hike, snowshoe, work, go to the store, etc.  He has a 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 year old human siblings who he is ok with, but he really loves to be around other adults.  He is the best dog they have ever had and they will never be able to replace him.  If you would like to meet Ollie, stop by their store and say hello :)  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sabastion - Pet of the Month - April 2013

Sabastion's name is a little bit different, kind of like him.  He is a sweet Westie dog who has found a perfect companion in Bob.  Their story begins in 2007.  Sabastion was born in April. The breeder was unable to sell him and so for 6 months, he lived in a cage and had no training.  A couple adopted him, but found out that he had to be in his kennel all the time because of his behavior issues.  At the same time, Bob had some difficult times he was going through, and in the middle of it, his Sheltie died.  In a chance event, Bob went to this couple's house to help plan a benefit for a mutual friend.  They met every week for six weeks, and Bob fell in love with Sabastion on the spot.  He would bring a treat for him each night and whisper to him as he left "I would take you home in a heartbeat if I could..."  As the six weeks drew to a close, Bob was sad to know that he wouldn't get to see Sabastion any more.  As he gave him his treat and whispered to him, the couple told Bob he needed to take him home.  Sabastion was depressed as soon as he left.  He needed Bob as much as Bob needed him.   After only a couple accidents at Bob's place, Sabastion caught on and will do whatever Bob says.  Sabastion goes with Bob everywhere - they love to go fishing on his boat, go for walks, and to the dog park.   Sabastion isn't Bob's dog, he is his child!  They are a perfect match!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pet of the Month - Lexi Grendler - March 2013

Lexi is an American Cocker Spaniel, who was born in Idaho to parents who were both great bird hunting dogs. She was adopted by Frank and Peggy and has spent the majority of her 7 1/2 years here in Iowa. She is an exceptional hunting dog, and goes pheasant hunting with Frank about twenty times a year in Iowa and South Dakota. She was selected to participate as the only American Cocker Spaniel in the recent Pheasants Forever parade this past month in Minneapolis. As brilliant as she is as a hunting dog, she is even sweeter as a pet. She is smart, loving and a little spoiled - she loves kids and Halloween is one of her favorite days. She is thrilled to see all the kids as they trick or treat at their door. She found her perfect forever home.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Pet of the Month - February 2013 - Max and Des Luzaich

Once upon a time, there were two cats named Desiree and Homer, who lived at the Cedar Bend Humane Society and who desperately wanted a home. Michelle stopped by to visit one day, and she has always wanted a cat, but thought she had allergies. She immediately fell in love with Desiree, and told her husband, Jon, that he needed to meet this special cat. In July 2010 Jon and Michelle went to visit. They sat down in the cat room and Desiree (Des) jumped on Michelle’s lap. Homer decided he wanted to be a part of this action and he jumped up and nudged Des out of the way. Homer didn’t respond to his name, but as soon as they said Max, he looked at them. They both are sweet cats with easy dispositions and no fighting between them. The staff at CBHS encouraged them to take both cats home to keep each other company during the day. They have been an amazing addition to Jon and Michelle’s home. The wrestle, play and snuggle together and are so lucky to have found their forever home and are living happily ever after!